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Connect U FAQ

What does CUO stand for?

It is an abbreviation for Connect U Orientation.

What is D2L?

D2L stands for “Desire to Learn” also known as Brightspace. 这是Pima用来支持和托管在线学习和星际官方赌钱的软件. To access D2L:

  • Log in to MyPima 并在主页页的“快速链接”部分找到D2L链接. 
    • 在D2L主页的“我的星际官方赌钱”部分选择“Connect U Orientation”.
    • 点击右上角“内容”,进入目录,观看如何完成“在线连接U导向”的概述视频.

Watch a video tutorial of how to access D2L and Online Connect U Orientation.


请与指导老师确认您的帐户上有定向等待,并且需要在注册星际官方赌钱之前完成CUO. If so, then email [email protected] and provide your Full Name, A# and briefly describe the issue. 您将被手动添加到D2L的在线CUO中,并能够在24小时/ 1个工作日内访问星际官方赌钱.

How much does Connect U Orientation cost? 

Nothing! All versions of CUO (offered on-campus, virtually and online via D2L) are free, zero-credit orientation sessions.

Do I have to complete CUO?

CUO is your orientation to learn how things operate at Pima. You must complete CUO (on campus, 虚拟通过缩放或在线在D2L)有你的建议取消,允许您注册星际官方赌钱. 

What is the difference between live and online CUO?

  • Live CUO sessions are offered on-campus and virtually via zoom. They are 4.5 hours long, offered various days and times of the week. You must attend the entire session. If you attend CUO on campus, light snacks and water are offered. 
  • Online CUO is offered through D2L in your MyPima account and is self-paced. You may complete it at once or in multiple sittings, but you must engage with each module, completing the pre-test and module quizzes along the way, 这将帮助你成功地通过最后的后测(你需要60%或更高的分数才能举起你的手.)


您将在注册虚拟CUO星际官方赌钱后24小时内收到一封确认邮件. It will be sent from [email protected] 发送到您在注册活动时提供的电子邮件地址. If you do see it, then please:
  • 检查你的垃圾邮件,垃圾或垃圾文件夹,如果你在24小时后没有收到确认电子邮件. 
  • Add [email protected] to your contact list. 
  • Email [email protected] for the event details and Zoom link before your orientation. 

How can I reschedule my live Connect U enrollment? 

  1. 通过相同的步骤来注册不同的现场会话, or
  2. Email [email protected] 并澄清你需要取消哪些星际官方赌钱,以及你计划参加哪些星际官方赌钱. 

Can I attend more than one live CUO session? 


The only variation is the campus tour. When on-campus, 我们将四处走动,强调关键资源(每个校园都有相同的可用资源),以及使校园独特的任何项目或功能.



完成入学申请后,您将自动注册到D2L shell. However, online & 并不是每个人都适合自学,所以你可以选择通过现场学习来完成CUO.5 hour session instead (on campus or virtually via Zoom.)

Go to to see our schedule and enroll in an upcoming session.

If you choose to complete CUO through a live session instead, 你的出席也会被记录在案,你的扣押也会被解除. 同时,D2L星际官方赌钱将颁发结业证书作为备份验证.


I completed CUO. Now what? 

一旦你的建议取消,你就可以注册星际官方赌钱了. You can register for courses in any of the following ways:
  • Course Registration Session (highly recommended your first semester at Pima).
  • 联系您指定的指导老师并设置注册预约. To identify who your assigned advisor is:
    • Login to your MyPima Account
    • Click on the black "New students" tab in the top tool bar
    • Look in the “My Advisor” box on the left side of the screen
  • Work with a general advisor to register for courses.
  • Self-Register for courses in MyPima (not recommended for your first semester).
    • After your first semester at Pima, 如果您选择自行注册,请确保您继续定期与 your advisor to ensure you are meeting degree requirements for graduation).
    • Watch this video 获取关于如何通过MyPima帐户注册的教程. 

从我完成CUO到现在已经超过24小时了,我仍然持有建议. What can I do to get it lifted so I can register for courses?

如果系统出现故障,您的建议等待在完成CUO后24小时内未被移除, please contact an advisor at [email protected] and ask them for assistance.


For documentation, 您可以将完成后收到的确认电子邮件副本转发给他们, 或分享你在CUO D2L星际官方赌钱中获得的“结业证书”的截图. 



Can my family come? 

CUO is an orientation designed specifically for YOU, the new student, 学习如何体验和驾驭PCC的新技巧, and at the same time, meet new friends before the semester begins.

也就是说,你可以带一个家庭成员作为你的支持系统的一部分. 欢迎他们参加活动,并有机会提问. Due to limited supplies, they will not receive a shirt.

Note: they may not attend in your absence to lift the advising hold. 作为皮马学生,你必须充分参与并完成整个星际官方赌钱.

How can I request accommodations for CUO? 

Contact Access & Disability Resources (ADR) to schedule accommodations.

Note: 虚拟和在线CUO将自动提供字幕.


不幸的是,我们没有翻译人员可以将现场定位从英语翻译成另一种语言. 欢迎您邀请一个人陪同您参加会议,或者您可以使用自己的技术进行翻译. 您也可以使用自己的翻译软件,通过D2L的自定进度模块在线完成Connect U Orientation. 
  • 阅读关于其他语言翻译选项的回复 this link
了解更多关于匹马ESL星际官方赌钱的信息,以提高英语交流能力, reading and writing, please visit the ESL webpage

Contact Us

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 520.206.6961

Register for an orientation session.
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