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韦伯斯特的玫瑰 walks across stage at Pima's Commencement 2022

Expand What's Possible

2022 Commencement Speaker 韦伯斯特的玫瑰: Take deliberate steps to make positive change

韦伯斯特的玫瑰, an online 学生 from Tampa, Florida and Fall 2021 graduate with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Health Information Technology, was selected as Commencement Speaker for Pima 社区 College’s 2022 毕业 Ceremony.

He flew in to speak during the May 18 ceremony to several hundred classmates and thousands of their family members and loved ones at Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium.

皮马有3个,330 candidates for graduation and expected to award 4,669 degrees and certificates to those 学生s, many of whom earned more than one degree or certificate.

For his online academic achievement in the fall, Rose was honored as the 2021 Instructional Technology Council (ITC) Outstanding eLearning 学生. Pearson Accelerated Pathways 采访了玫瑰 关于奖项.

Rose is the proud son of Angela and George Rose, and was born and grew up in Jamaica. Rose moved to Florida in 2006. He has worked at Humana Insurance Company, a Fortune 500 company, for 13 years and is now a supervisor. He has been a PimaOnline 学生 since 2018.

The journey of a million miles begins with a single step — then you must keep going.——韦伯斯特·罗斯

“Growing up in Jamaica, I was taught never to settle, but always aim for higher and better,” he wrote in his Commencement Speaker Application. “Jamaica is a small country but known all over the world. I am like Jamaica, a symbol of one but a force to be reckoned with in this world.”

Acknowledging the challenges of studying through a pandemic, Rose commended his cohort’s perseverance and tenacity while encouraging the class of 2022 to be the change they want to see. Here are some key thoughts from his commencement speech:

坚持: “The journey of a million miles begins with a single step — then you must keep going.”

COVID-19 made us tenacious, diligent and resilient: “Despite the difficulties we experienced, learning how to use the online platform, meeting what sometimes felt like impossible deadlines for assignments, staying awake to complete assignments, we were able to push forward. 和, just when the ride got smoother, the world came to a crashing halt when the COVID-19 pandemic hit! . . . Many of us suffered great losses due to the pandemic. . . . It is an absolute miracle that many of us are still alive today. I would like to therefore commend my fellow graduates for their tenacity, diligence and resilience.”

韦伯斯特的玫瑰 stands in a Cap and Gown

Help your community, help the world: “As leaders and world changers, let us use the knowledge, skills and competencies garnered throughout this period to make a meaningful contribution in our communities, whether it is at our jobs, 在我们的家庭, at church or even in our neighborhoods. In our world today there are many challenges. It is sometimes easier to stand by and do nothing when faced with a great challenge. But let us do the best we can to positively impact the lives of those around us. . . . Let us ensure that our footprints throughout our individual journeys leave an unforgettable mark on our world.”

拥抱变化: “Everywhere we go we hear of the ‘new normal’ that has been birthed by the pandemic. Indeed, technology has been an ally to many of us during this program. From taking our classes on our phone, to collaborating during Zoom sessions, we found our computers and the Internet were like air and water. It is therefore important for us to embrace this change and build on it. While we will not become slaves to technology, let us capitalize on all of the new opportunities that technology has afforded us. . . . I am confident that sitting amongst us today are our future professors, 思想领袖, 作者, 咨询顾问, specialists and other career experts.”

做最好的自己: “To each graduate, my greatest hope is that you will fulfill your full potential. Let us ensure that every step on our individual journeys is deliberate in being the change we wish to see in this world. . . . Remember it is only impossible until it is done.”

最后的话: “As we say in Jamaica, BIG UP and One Love! Anything is possible once you believe and consistently pursue your dreams.”

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